Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weird people.

Of all the responses I received to my post about wanting to ride a horse, I got a very odd one. Her e-mails reminded me of the e-mails you see so often when someone from overseas is trying to scam you. "Phone me ASAP", "I appreciate your confidences" etc. By the way she wrote her e-mails, I was certain she'd have an accent, but she didn't. I left a voice message for her, and she called back, but I wasn't around, so she left a voice message for me. She spoke very slowly, and it was really actually kind of creepy. I can't describe it. I had Michael listen to it, and he said she might just be elderly or something. I called her back today and we had a fairly normal conversation. I told her I had received a lot of responses, and she was curious from who (I could already see where this was going). I gave her the name of one of the local trainers, and she immediately said, "Oh, you don't want to go there." Ugh. I'm really tired of these petty, gossipy judgments towards others in the horse world. "If another trainer doesn't do things exactly the way I do it, they're wrong." It's so tiring.

So, I doubt I'll be going to her place. I'm not interested in working with trainers that bad-mouth others, though I'm sure most, if not all, of them do it to a certain extent. It reminds me of my first trainer, Pat. She was such a psycho, and honestly, this woman reminds me of Pat, so I think I'll keep my distance. Pat was extremely manipulative, and she would lie through her teeth if she thought it would get her what she wanted.

I've been riding (the bike) a lot this week, and it's going pretty well. One thing that really gets on my nerves is it seems many drivers are literally just waiting for us to make a mistake. I'll admit, some cyclists are idiots and think they own the road, but don't lump us all into that category, dammit. Every little teeny tiny mistake we make, and we get honked at or yelled at in some manner. It's annoying.

Soooo... I'm planning on coming up to Omaha in September. Yay! Not sure if Michael will be coming, as he has a business trip scheduled for the following week I'm going. I don't know the exact days yet, but I'm thinking maybe I'll drive up Wednesday the 17th and drive back on the 21st. I'll keep you guys posted! Saturday night, I think Becky and Eric are having their housewarming party, so I'm tied up for that night. Tonya, mark your calendar and we'll do lunch at least! Maybe invite some of the office girls, too. :)

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