Monday, August 11, 2008

So sore...

I don't remember my shoulders, back, or abs ever being this sore before, EVER. It hurts to walk, to sit up, to sneeze, to blow my nose. I never realized how many ab and back muscles I use for everyday, normal things. I almost took Advil last night to ease the pain, and I've never done that. I actually like being sore, but this is just plain ridiculous. I have a lesson tomorrow (yay, an actual lesson!), and my muscles are going to be not-so-happy.

I'll be going out to the barn Tuesdays and Saturdays. It's too far away for any more than that--about 20 miles.

I was catching up on the Olympic coverage, and apparently, the dressage phase of the three-day event got some pretty poor ratings. People found it boring. I can understand that--most people don't know how to discern a good ride from a bad one. I guess even if they did know how, some may find it boring anyway (although apparently the ones that were able to listen to the commentary found it more interesting). Horses are supposed to be dangerous and WILD, and bucking! Right? I mean, I'm assuming most people that watch horse events only do so because they want to see an accident. Kind of like NASCAR, I guess. Oh well. It takes a certain kind of person to appreciate dressage.

We're supposed to get rain tonight. I keep hearing that from the weathermen. I always look at the radar when they call for rain, and it always looks like it's *so close* and then it just vanishes. Sigh. Ya know, if it's going to be dry, would it mind not teasing us by raining on towns just out of reach?

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