Monday, May 19, 2008

I fell down the stairs!

I went on a solo hill ride on Thursday night, but only did one hill "repeat", as there was bad weather coming in and I could see the nasty-looking clouds during my ride. We got some pretty major storms. I had let Harley and Jaiden outside for a few minutes, and looked out and it was raining on them, lol. I let them in just in time--it started POURING!

So, on the day I have an interview, I decide to fall down the steps going into work, and a coworker saw it. If it had been a big flight of stairs, I'd probably be in the hospital, because there was NO stopping my momentum. My purse hit the ground and spilled some stuff out of it, and my lunch sack went flying. It was perfect. Seriously, only me. I think I'll end up with bruised knees and shins. And then I spilled my energy drink powder all over my laptop, and nearly spilled the entire drink on the table. At that point, I was just hoping my pants didn't fall down during the interview or something.

So, anyway, the interview went well, but I think if they offer it to me, I'll probably decline. The only benefits they have are health benefits--no 401(k), which is what I'm really looking for. Plus, no vacation time until I've been there for a year. I think the problem is where I've been looking for jobs--craigslist. A lot of the really small companies advertise on Craigslist, and they can't afford to offer a lot of benefits. I think from now on, I'm just going to focus on Monster, Dice, Careerbuilder, etc. I won't find as many jobs, but I think for the most part, the companies advertising there will be able to offer more.

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