Monday, May 19, 2008

Apartment hunting

We went to Cheesecake Factory Saturday night and sat next to some obnoxious couple talking about... well, everything. The girl was probably 21 (we figured my age at first, but every time she opened her mouth, the age kept dwindling), and the guy was probably 50. We thought at one point that this might have been a first date from, but I'm not so sure. She was talking about how every bar she goes to, she just goes to get her free drink and then leaves to go on to the next. And she wasn't really that good looking. Slutty, yes. Cute, no. So as they were eating their appetizers, she said, "I'm a Taurus. You know what we like? We like to eat." (HUH?!) He proceeds to say, "I'm a Scorpion. You know what we like?" I mouthed "sex" to Michael at the same instant that the nasty date guy said it. Um, ew. Michael saw that one coming too. She mentioned something about her boobs, too. There were several times where I just looked at Michael with my mouth wide open, in total shock at what this girl was saying. It was ridiculous.

I went on a solo hill repeat ride Sunday. I did three hill repeats on what I consider to be a tough hill. It's long (I don't know, maybe half a mile?) and steep. I probably could have/should have done four repeats, but figured the shaking legs and arms were telling me to go home. On the last repeat, I noticed a guy in front of me, and I was actually gaining on him. And no, I wasn't trying to--I was already going for all I was worth. I haven't ridden since, though. :(

So I spoke with Michael's friend that's going to hook me up with an apartment. I can get into a pretty nice one-bedroom for my price range, with Jaiden (of course)... sounds like a lot of them have garden tubs... ahhhh... so relaxing. I actually looked at one yesterday, and it was really nice. They have wireless internet by the pool, which is kinda neat.

I saw some of the pics Noel (sister-in-law) posted on MySpace of her graduation party, and it made me really miss my family again. I guess they're all going to Grand Island to start dividing up my grandparents' stuff. I'm going to try to get a flight up there, but I don't think I'll be able to make it happen.

I spoke with my boss about my concerns about the job. I had told him it wasn't cool that they expected us to take our laptops home every night so we can work. Come on, dammit, I have a life, and I'm not paid enough to justify that. I was up front with him and let him know I'm keeping my options open. The last bonus they had was quite a bit apparently, but I don't really know if the job is a good fit for me.

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