Thursday, September 13, 2012

The kind of day I'm having...

I decided to color my hair this morning.  I've done this on numerous occasions, and only once did it not quite come out so well (I ended up with a patch of hair in the back of my head that didn't get as dark as the rest).  So, I know what I'm doing, mostly.  Last time I did this, I decided to go with semi-permanent, and chose to do the same this time.  (Just as a forewarning, this story doesn't end as bad as you're probably thinking.  When I called Eric, he said he was mentally preparing himself to hear that I went bald or something.  I told him if that had happened, he'd be hearing a woman in hysterics.)

I got everything ready, and squeezed the color into the activator bottle (or whatever it's called).  (I promise, I do know what I'm doing.)  So, I start putting it into my hair, noticing how good it smells and how thick the stuff seems.  Oh well, I've only used it once before, and I can't really remember what it smelled like.  Due to the thickness of the stuff, it took a while, but I finally got it all through my hair.  I put my shower cap on, waited 10 minutes, and hopped in the shower.  As I was rinsing, I noticed the lack of color going down the drain.  Strange.  Still, I figured since it was semi-permanent, maybe there wasn't really much color?  Again, I can't remember from last time I did it.

Got everything rinsed out, and started to spread the conditioner they provided through my hair... which didn't smell so good.  In fact, it smelled a little bit like the color cream... LIGHT BULB!  After inspecting the tube, I realized I switched the conditioner and color.  Thankfully, my hair was didn't seem much different (I think maybe I stripped it a little of color), and in fact was pretty soft, after having conditioner sitting in it for a good 10-20 minutes. ;)  I had to run out to the store to get another box though.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm...well now I'll tell you my story. :-) I decided for fall/winter, I wanted to color my hair a little darker. So I go get L'Oreal medium brown. It came out so dark I looked sick. (Dad didn't say a thing. I guess he knew better.) So I go get light brown (hoping my hair doesn't fall out from doing it twice) and it came out even DARKER!! Dad finally said..."Go have it done professionally." So I go get light brown highlights which turned orangy red. I'm done!! I've been using Head and Shoulders shampoo for the last week (per the internet it's supposed to remove some of the darkness) and finally today it's lighter but more auburn than light brown. (sigh)