Wednesday, September 26, 2012


My classes aren't going so well.  I feel like I'm busting my ass this semester, and don't have much to show for it.  I've taken four exams in the last two weeks, and although I don't have my grades for any of them (side note: I hate professors that take forever to return exams), I feel I didn't do well on two of them (fluid mechanics and water/wastewater).  I probably did okay on my environmental history exam--what a joke that class is--and I think I did pretty well on my economics class.  Thing is, I need to keep my GPA above 3.4 in order to do the 5-year BS/MS.  I only have to achieve a 3.1 this semester to keep my GPA above 3.4, but I'd rather have as much breathing room as possible.  I'm taking difficult classes this semester, and the way my exams have gone, I'm beginning to feel I'm pushing the GPA limit.  I have my heart set on the 5-year program, and I just know that if I can't keep my GPA above the limit, I'll feel like a failure.  I hate this feeling.

My water/wastewater engineering professor isn't all that great.  He screws up a lot in class and doesn't explain things very well.  I'm mostly enjoying this class, but I'm not getting as much out of it as I expected.  However, my favorite professor teaches the second half of the class, so I'm looking forward to that.  Fluid mechanics is kind of interesting, but difficult.  Economics has been mostly easy.

My environmental history professor is SUCH A FREAKING BORE.  He's the kind of guy who loves to hear himself talk.  I was expecting to enjoy this class much more than I do.  It's really just history with some environmental disasters thrown in.  And the authors of the books that we're reading are even more long-winded than my professor.  Our exam consisted of four short essays and two long essays.  I've ALWAYS dreaded essay exams.  I despise them.  The way I studied for my exam was to memorize, memorize, memorize.  I hate memorization.  Did I say I hate essay exams yet?

Aaaaggggghhhh.  Sorry for the debbie-downer post, but I just had my water/wastewater exam tonight, and I'm feeling particularly incompetent and crappy.

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