Sunday, February 27, 2011

My garden containers are taking off! I have lots of big leaves and the lettuce is actually starting to look like lettuce! I'm now trying to get my strawberry seeds to hatch. Apparently they're a pain in the ass to grow... we'll see. So far, none of the seeds have sprouted.

I started my new job last week. So far, so good. They seem like a fun bunch to work with. I also started volunteering at the local shelter. They have an inexpensive spay/neuter program based on income level. One older couple brought in a cute little dog that couldn't have been more than 5 pounds. They owed $14, and they brought in an envelope (inside a Zip-Loc bag) with a $10, some ones and several quarters. It was depressing, knowing this couple had probably searched the house for whatever cash they could find. So many people down here are at poverty level.

Eric and I just went for a short walk around Lake Keowee. It's so pretty! We can't wait to (eventually) have a boat.

The beak on one of my puffers is growing too long, so I'm going to have to anesthetize him and trim it. Ugh. The stuff I have to buy is kind of expensive, so I've been putting it off a bit. Sigh... the joys of having high-maintenance fish.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wait...what the what?? What is this new job you speak of? I must have missed this post.