Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I had a dream about my old horse Baloo last night. For those who don't know about him, my parents got him for me when I was 16. I had been riding him for six months, and although he could be seriously temperamental and throw some huge bucks and temper tantrums, I loved him. By the time I was 21, I was no longer riding him, and he was just sitting in a pasture. I have no doubt he loved that life, but I couldn't justify spending money on board for a horse that I wasn't riding. So, I donated him to a local riding club. I haven't seen him since.

In the dream, I distinctly remember walking into his stall in some unknown barn and knowing immediately that he was unhappy. I made a vow to him that he would always be safe and happy. That's all I remember.

I've looked for him several times over the years, and although I've seen horses that look very similar to him, I've never been able to find him. That horse could be a real jerk, but I still miss him sometimes, and if I were to ever find him again, I'd take him back. He'll be 19 this April assuming he's still alive somewhere. :(

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