Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Turned down the job...

I had to turn down the Penn job. They wanted me to come in four times a week, which would have amounted to 10 hours of commuting per week, and 20 hours of actual working. It just isn't worth it. I feel bad about turning it down--it would have been a really good opportunity, would have looked good on my resume, etc., but I have to be realistic. I promised myself that this time around, I would put school ahead of work, instead of the other way around. Sigh. So, I'm still jobless. But hopefully unemployment kicks in soon... it's been well over a month since I was "officially" laid off, and I still won't see any form of payment (if my claim is even approved) until the end of the month. Stupid Texas.

I also heard back about the volunteer position at the aquarium, and I was offered the position! I'll be going in twice a month for a full day, cleaning tanks, preparing food, and playing with jellyfish. Heh. I told my parents, and the first thing my dad asked was, "Do they have sharks? Are you going to be in with them?" Lol.

Eric and I took a tour of a college about 12 miles north of here called Delaware Valley College. It's ranked about as high Temple University, but it's closer (Temple is a 45 min train ride; DelVal is 20 min), in a very safe part of PA (Temple is surrounded by bad neighborhoods... on all sides), and the biggest class size is 30, with the majority of them being 20 or so. This allows more student-teacher time, in case I don't understand something--big plus. With my GPA, I should be able to get a $9,000 transfer scholarship right off the bat, along with a lot of other scholarships that Temple doesn't seem to offer or give much information about. Also, DelVal has a HUGE riding barn! As in, horseback riding! They offer equine studies as a degree, and they have a lot of riding clubs and organizations that I can hopefully get into (I'm not going into equine studies, but it's cool that they offer it). I'm hoping I won't be the only person over 25 going to this school... they only have about 2,000 students. Yikes. I think for the first time ever, I'm going to feel old.

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