Thursday, November 6, 2008

The only thing I hate about Austin...

...will soon no longer be in my life! My job! :) I found a new job. It is part-time, but the difference in yearly pay isn't too bad. I'm currently looking for another part-time job to fill the extra hours in my day. I did offer to work part-time for my current employer, but I don't think they'll jump on it. Either way, I'm starting to think that these things happen for a reason. I had actually interviewed with this new company I'm working for about a month and a half ago. It was for my "dream job", and the company seems just fantastic. I didn't get the job, though, and was heartbroken. So, I started looking for part-time jobs for extra cash, and found this one. If I don't get to work part-time for the current employer, I'll probably go see if I can find a job working at a tack shop. :)

Anyway, I'm so loving Austin. It's November 6, and we're going to have a high in the 80's. With the exception of a few days, the forecast says we'll have highs in the 80's for the next ten days. :D

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