Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New friends coming out of the woodwork...

Just when I need it most! This Thursday, I'm doing a nighttime mountain bike ride (that scares me in so many ways, heh--and yes, mom and dad, I have lights). The girl that set up the Halloween pub crawl with me asked me to go with her to this mountain bike ride, and I think it'll be a lot of fun. I haven't been on the mountain bike in over a year, though. Hope it still works! Friday, I'm going out with Amber and her crew. Saturday, I'm going out to see Twilight the movie with some girls I know. Weeee...

I went on a group ride Monday night, and it kicked my butt. I ended up with around 28-30 miles. It was COLD, too! The ride started off at a relatively decent pace. We went up some hills, through neighborhoods, skipping the busiest streets (thankfully). We went down one hill in particular, and at the bottom of it, the temperature was at least 10 degrees colder. Then we turned around and went back up, haha. It was a lot of fun, but I wasn't dressed warm enough.

So I was thinking about everything I've been through in the last six months: 1. Move away from friends/family to unfamiliar city; 2. Take a mediocre, lower-paying job, end up hating it (oh, and I did 1 & 2 in a weekend--quit my old job Friday, moved to Austin Sunday, started new job Tuesday); 3. Interview for several jobs for the next 5-6 months, get close on several; 4. Move into new apartment; 5. Continue hating job--and as a person who defines herself by her career, this is a hard pill to swallow; 6. Finally get job offer--but it's for a part-time job. Take it anyway, because the company is impressive; 7. Continue looking for other part-time jobs; 8. Jaiden gets into a dog fight--$400 bill (though the fight itself was much harder to take than the bill); 9. Call it quits on relationship. I know I'm forgetting a bunch of others.

So. What's next? Gimme all ya got. ;) (Hm... okay, maybe I shouldn't tempt the fates... or whatever they are.) I just need a damn break! I've been giving up so much of myself since I got down here just to hold EVERYTHING together.

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