Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Goin' joggin'

So, I swear I feel like I'm gaining weight. Either way, I'm going to try to shed a few pounds over the next couple of months. I've been riding the bike more, but I've been riding for about a year, and other than changes to muscle tone (my legs look a lot better than they did a year ago!), I haven't lost a single pound, and I think I've gained some. SO. On the days that I don't ride the bike, the puppy and I are going jogging! I'll take one day off a week (probably Fridays). When I lost weight a few years ago, I rode horses three times a week (sigh, can't do that, so I'm cycling instead which is admittedly harder) and walked/jogged on the treadmill twice a week. I did drastically cut down my calories to 900/day, but I've tried doing that again, and it's really just too hard. I'm going to try to watch what I eat a little more, but not be obsessive about it. When I obsess, I get burned out, and jump off the bandwagon. Wish me luck. :)

Yesterday I was good until dinner. We worked until 7:30, so they brought pizza in, and I had a couple of slices. Jaiden and I went walking/jogging after I got home. Tonight I'll either go on a ride or jog. I feel kinda bad for Jaiden, though. He gets really thirsty and tired while we're out, but it's a pain in the ass to bring a water bottle. Hopefully he acclimates to the hot weather--I try to go later at night. The other day, we went on a fairly long walk, and I wanted to get the mail, so we passed the apartment. After going a little ways, Jaiden stopped IN HIS TRACKS and looked at me, like, "What the hell, Mom? I'M TIRED!" Either that, or he thought I was lost. ;)

I'm still working on the website for that lady. I did get a deposit and finished it for her; now we're just working on finding a web host. Once we get that going, I'll get the rest of the $$$ before transferring the site. I'm really going to try to get more and more of these side projects.

Work is blah, but I haven't been looking like I should be. A lot of other stuff going on. That's all for now!

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