Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Disappointed :(

I ended up getting a B in my fluids class. :(  I was SO counting on an A!  I had a 94% average before the final, and I ended up bombing the final, which brought me to a B. :(  I'm so upset!  He's made mistakes on previous exams, so I asked him if I could take a look.  I'm really, really hoping he made a mistake.  All I need is four points to bring my grade up to an A.  Just four points!  GAH.

I also got a B in environmental history, which I was expecting.  My final GPA for the semester is 3.46 (would have been a 3.77 if I'd had an A in fluids), which I realize is still a good GPA, but I just keep creeping closer and closer to the 3.4 needed to get into the 5-year BS/MS.  Eric said a 3.46 is still a great GPA and isn't the end of the world, and I told him that school IS my world right now.  Sigh...

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