Friday, March 23, 2012

Kleo update

Jaiden laid into Kleo earlier. She's been going up to him, right in his face, and licking his mouth (sign of submission, I've read), or taking toys right out of his mouth (definitely not a sign of submission). For the most part, I've been telling her NO whenever she pulls that crap. It annoys Jaiden, but he'll mostly just toss his head away from her and/or move away. When it comes to food, though, NOBODY will take that away from him (except people). I had given them each some peanut butter because she's still on medication for kennel cough. Jaiden has a habit of licking his arms after eating peanut butter, which he was doing today. So of course, Kleo wanted to know what he was eating, went right up to him, in his face, and without missing a beat, he snarled and lunged toward her. That was the end of it.

But not for Kleo! She yelped as if he drew blood, ran behind me, tried jumping up on me, and basically acted as if her world was coming to an end. She's such a drama queen. She's lucky to be living with a such a patient dog. I would have yelled at her if I had seen it quickly enough, but it happened too fast. I didn't scold Jaiden, though, because I want her to learn she needs to keep her space when it comes to stuff like that. He gave me a look that said, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I love my food!"

On a walk earlier, Eric and Kleo had fallen behind, so I stopped to let them catch up. Jaiden immediately got down into his "hunting mode". He reverted to his Ridgeback-lion-hunter roots and laid down flat (even though he could easily be seen). As soon as Kleo caught sight of him, she sat down and refused to move. Very wise of her. ;)

It's funny to think that a couple of days ago, I was seriously ready to get rid of Kleo after having her for less than 24 hours. I was just expecting too much out of her. I haven't had to deal with puppy behavior in many, many years, and I guess I figured that she'd catch on much quicker than reasonable. I didn't give her enough time to get accustomed to her surroundings, and probably made things more stressful for her. Anyway, she's much more relaxed than when she arrived, and I'm starting to learn "who" she is. Turns out she's a morning dog. Sigh. She's pretty energetic, and seems to be getting increasingly energetic. Sigh. She's been playing with toys quite a bit, and it's pretty entertaining. She'll lay on the big dog bed, and growl at and chase her tail, her legs (???) and Jaiden's toys. Jaiden couldn't have cared less about toys until Kleo came around. Every now and then, he'll decide that whatever toy she's playing is suddenly really interesting. Damn dogs!

The kennel training has been going fairly well. Her new kennel came in yesterday, and I set it up right next to Jaiden's, hoping that maybe his gung-ho attitude about kennels would wear off on her. This morning, Eric woke up at 4AM and we took the dogs out. He went on an early morning run, and I decided to just leave Kleo out of her kennel, but closed the door to our bedroom. She jumped on the bed, I pushed her off... she laid on the floor, and about five minutes later, I heard her get into her kennel. SUCCESS!! She still doesn't like being crated during the day, though.

There are two other dogs I can't stop thinking about: a very frightened 7-year-old Chihuahua (he was the one sitting on a chair after his bath, taking a break from the noise) and a 7-year-old black lab mix. The older ones never get adopted, because people always want the younger dogs, the ones who'll be able to live long lives with their owners. I always feel badly for the older guys, and I'm kicking myself for not considering the lab mix. She looked like a sweetheart, and I swear it seems like the older ones understand exactly where they're at and what's going on. I mean, I'm glad we got Kleo, but the older guys really tug at my heart strings, and next time, I'll really get it into my head to consider them more seriously. The only thing with the puppyish dogs is that they adapt more readily to a family that already has dogs.

Sigh... :( There are far too many dogs out there that need a safe home! I wish the majority of dog breeders out there would just STOP.

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