Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm all signed up for classes

I had signed up for all my classes during orientation, but there was one class that was full--the most important one for the semester, because it's a prerequisite of one class, which is a prerequisite for another, which is a prerequisite for another--I'm sure you get the drift--and it's only offered during the fall semester. I asked my advisor what I could do, and she said that it was at classroom capacity, so the only way I would get in is if someone dropped (unlikely due to the importance of the class) or if someone didn't pay their bill. So I was kind of freaking out.

But my advisor e-mailed me this morning telling me she got me in. WOOT!!!

I'm taking 15 credits: calc-based physics II, intro to ethics, engineering graphics (AutoCAD basically), differential equations and intro to environmental engineering (the class I just got into). Differential equations and physics will probably be the hardest, but I survived multivariable calculus, so hopefully differential equations won't be too difficult. DiffEq is based on calculus, and I understood calculus well enough.

I visited Omaha last week and had a lot of fun (other than attending my grandfather's funeral :( ). My immediate family and I went to the Stuhr Museum, which brought back a ton of memories. I haven't been there in probably 10 years. Damn I'm getting old. My sister and I and a couple of friends went out on Friday night, and I proceeded to get a bit tipsy and offended someone I had just met. Sigh. Oh well, he took it well enough. Actually, he picked up my glass and said, "We're cutting you off!" My sister and I also decided our other two friends were taking too long in the bathroom, so we drank their beers and took pictures of it. Stupid drunk people!

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