Anyway. We narrowed it down to either a Kia Optima or a Ford Fusion.

Kia Optima

Ford Fusion
I wasn't too excited over getting a Kia, but Eric showed me the pics of the Optima. You have to admit, it is a hot little car. And it's fast(ish). It has a 200-HP engine, where the Fusion has a 160 I believe. And the Optima was torquey, so it had a LOT of get-up-and-go. It was fun to drive, but larger than I'm used to, so I felt like I had to peer over the steering wheel like a little girl just to see where the hell the front end stopped.
So we stopped at a Kia dealer and checked out an Optima that they had. We test drove it and I noticed next to the MSRP sticker an additional price sticker that this site calls a "bump sticker." They were charging $1995 for undercoating (holy WTF), $70ish for nitrous-something-or-other (not the stuff that makes cars go ZOOM), and $50 for mud flaps. They added this all into their own MSRP. On every car! We talked to the sales guy, and I asked if it was already on the car, and he immediately said we could take that off the price. Hmm. Then he said there was an additional $1k in rebates. So, in my mind, he really only took off $1k from the price of the car. It was the first car we looked at, so we gave our info and left to take a look at the Ford dealership.
We originally were interested in the Focus, but all they had were two Ford Fusions. One was out of our price range by about $2k, but we test drove it anyway. It was a purdy car. :) And lots of gadgets. Sun roof, fog lights, Microsoft Sync built in (a cool little techy thing). I didn't want to waste the salesman's time though, and I told him we liked the car, but that I just wasn't sure they'd be able to come down enough in price. Which was true. But he got us to come inside to talk. We weren't at all interested in buying a car that night, and we made it clear, but they really wanted to deal, and they took $2k off the sticker, but we had to get home to the doggy. All this took two hours. Should have been my first clue.
The next night, we went back to the Kia dealer first, but the car we were looking at was pulled up next to the dealership building (obviously not a good sign ;) ) and we were told that someone was thinking about buying it, but that we could stay and wait, and that "it'll be about 10 minutes"... (please). We got the saleswoman's card and left.
On to Ford.
Eric and I came up with a new price for them to consider, we haggled back and forth, and we got to a price we were mostly comfortable with. Then they throw down the sales sheet. Surprise! $400 customer service fee. Total bullshit! Eric asked them to take it off, and they refused, saying it was "standard for all car sales." Bullshit! So then we got down to the financing. We had looked online prior to coming in and saw that they were offering either $2k in rebates or 0% financing for 36 months. What we didn't know is that they included the $2k in rebates in their final price, so they only offered 5.9%. He said we could add in $500 to the price and get 1.9%. This would put us over what our limit was.
At that point, it was me doing the haggling. Eric was ready to sign the papers, but I was still fuming over the bullshit! customer service fee, so I refused to give in. I said they needed to figure out how to take off $400 and still give us 1.9%; however, they refused to budge. So I shrugged, got up, said something like, "This was more car than we were originally planning on buying, so I understand that you've reached your limit. Sorry, but we just can't do it," and thanked them for trying. (Pffft.) Honestly, I felt relieved to get the hell out of there. We had been going back and forth for four(!) hours, and I was starting to feel like they were trying to take us for a ride.
On our way back home, about ten minutes later, they called Eric and offered to take $200 off. I said, "Nope! I'm done." I don't know what they said, but Eric's like, "My back's against the wall! I've gotta listen to my wife!" And then they decided they could do $400. Honestly, if Eric hadn't been so rosy-eyed over the car, I probably would have walked regardless. I'd be willing to bet anything that if we let them stew over it for the night, they would have offered better terms. Oh well... We now have ourselves a shiny, pretty, black, and luxurious (to me) Ford Fusion!
(Okay, it's not really luxurious. But it's NEW! And it's techy!)