Thursday, June 9, 2011


I'm betting nobody checks this anymore since I write so irregularly, lol. Oh well, I'll just talk to myself.

I'm actually ready to enroll in classes at Clemson--I didn't procrastinate this time! Last year, I had to get a bunch of crap together to enroll at Drexel, including at least 4 vaccinations that I needed, which I finished about two days after classes started. For Clemson, I needed to get yet another vaccination, which I had done on Monday. Way ahead of schedule! I also had to take a math placement test (required for all students, no matter how much math you've had, even if you're transferring multiple classes--really stupid, but whatever), which I took Monday--I didn't procrastinate!--and received the highest score possible. *pats self on the back*

Speaking of being smart, I have to brag--and I can shamelessly brag because I'm only talking to myself, right...? So I had to take one of those personality tests for the contract job I'm working right now before they would interview me. A part of the test was identical to an IQ test that I've taken online before. Anyway, we were talking about the results today, just goofing around, and I asked what I got on the "intelligence" part. Apparently I scored the highest, at the top 5%. HA! (In the "sense of urgency" part of the personality test, I scored as low as possible. Hm.)

Sigh, yeah, but this isn't so smart: I just went through and calculated the number of credits that I'm transferring to Clemson: 140! That's an entire degree plus a semester's worth of credits!


Damn me and my indecisiveness. Oh well, I'm sticking to it this time. No really, I AM.

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