Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Straight A's!

Yep, I got all A's for last semester. I'm currently taking a six-week Calc I course, and I'll be taking Calc II after that.

It was a miracle that I was able to get into Calc I. I had enrolled in this class a few months ago, and it's the only Calc I class for the Summer 1 six-week semester. Well, I had mistakenly thought that financial aid would carry over into the summer months, but it didn't, and on top of that, I never received a bill--not a letter, not an e-mail, nothing. So my school deregistered me from the class, and I didn't find out until well over a week later. Of course, by then, the class was filled, AND there was no waitlist for it! I was furious, and I called up in tears (I was really upset, as this would put me back a semester), but of course, there was nothing they could do. I even e-mailed the professor, and he was of no help.

Long story short, I checked multiple times a day waiting for someone to drop. The night before the class was supposed to start, someone happened to drop, and I snatched up that person's spot.

So, here I am, taking an insanely fast-paced calculus course. Two of them, actually. I'll be thankful when this summer is over. I hope I'm actually able to enjoy it!

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