Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I was just named as a semi-finalist in the Department of Defense scholarship that I applied for a couple months ago. It's still a long shot... 1,300 semi-finalists (out of 3,300 applicants) and only 250-300 awards. I'll know for sure March 31st.

I have an aquarium! I decided to go with a 55-gallon since the fish I'm planning on getting are somewhat aggressive and won't be able to live with very many other fish. I had some troubles setting up the filter. I got everything set up, and then Eric and I tried running water through it, but the filter kept sucking in air. An hour later, it dawned on me to make sure I had the hoses hooked up properly. Yeah, they were backward.

So, we got the filter running, and today I added 50 pounds of black gravel. I bought some stuff online at Petco (cheap!), and tomorrow I'm planning on buying some Bio-Spira (basically, it's good bacteria that helps get aquariums cycled faster). Hopefully by next week I'll have some fishies! :) Pictures coming soon!

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