Sunday, September 13, 2009

Am I a teacher's pet?

Precalculus and organic chemistry are going well. Biology, on the other hand... it's just a crapload of memorization, and I'm not that great at memorizing. Organic chemistry is a little like math--it more or less problem-solving, and builds on the concepts you've learned in the past, which is how I learn best. But biology is just reading, re-reading, and re-reading all over again until it's pounded into my brain. I'll be happy if I get a B. :( We had a quiz in organic chemistry last night, and I'm pretty sure I aced it... I was the first one done, but I tend to rush through things and make stupid mistakes, so we'll see.

In my precalc class this morning, the professor was obviously disappointed in the homework she had assigned for us to do (I got an A-). She asked us if anybody did the practice problems from the book (which is not assigned, just recommended basically) and I was the only one that raised her hand! Does this make me a teacher's pet? Lol. I felt like a total dork, but oh well. I'm doing well because I've been doing those problems. I'm sure there are others that can do well without doing the problems, but if her frustration were any clue, for the most part, the class is struggling. Most of the class is young, and I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.

Outside of school, not much is happening. I'm going up to the aquarium to "work" again this Saturday and I'm looking forward to it. :)


Noel said...

Advice from one total nerd to another? =) Organize the information you are trying to remember so that it fits the tune of a song? (Always worked for me in A&P!)

Noel said...

For some reason I was all about question marks in the previous comment? LOL

April said...

Hmmm... I've never heard of that way of studying. I'll have to try it, thanks! :)