Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Interview #2

I had another interview today, my second for the Penn job. The interview was at 9:30, so I left at 7:45 so I could go to the bank and get some cash for parking. Plus, I had no idea how long it would take to get down there, and I wanted to leave plenty of time so that I didn't feel rushed.

I was still 20 minutes late! Basically, I was having issues at the bank, and had to drive all the way to Fort Washington (about 8 miles away) so that wonderful Eric could give me some cash, then I had to take the turnpike, pay a toll, and get on the interstate. The turnpike-to-interstate area was a freaking disaster. I called my recruiter at the contract company to have them call Penn and let them know I was running late. The recruiter didn't sound happy that I was running late, which didn't do anything to help calm me down, as I hate being late. I finally arrived at the parking garage, drove up six floors to the closest parking spot, and climbed the stairs back down (the elevator was across the garage, and I didn't want to take the time to walk all the way over there).

I arrived at what I thought was my destination, but was directed to a different building. Oh, and did I mention it was raining? And I didn't have an umbrella because I didn't have time to stop and buy one? All I had was a crappy pullover. So, off I went in the rain again to my new destination. I arrived, told the front desk whom I was looking for, and looked at my phone's time. 9:50AM. Crap. The interviewer came up, and I apologized for being so late. He didn't seem concerned, and was a pretty laid-back guy.

The interview went very well. He said I'm a strong candidate, but that they have to interview a couple more people. I should know in a couple weeks.

In other news... I sold my car! Since I'm laid off and have no income, it made sense to get rid of mine. We're planning on selling Eric's Mazda3, and keeping the Pathfinder that has no payments. When we sell the Mazda, if we run into situations where it seems like we need more than one car (I really think we would, but we'll see), then we'll probably just get a $3k Toyota or Honda or something.

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