Saturday, April 25, 2009

Shooting a gun

Eric bought a 9mm Taurus gun for my birthday. We went shooting on Thursday, and because I'd never shot before, they had me use a .22. They explained "line of sight"--how to line up the gun for a target.

Before I was willing to shoot, I made Eric shoot it first. I was surprised at the amount of "gun powder" coming from it, even as I was standing back. My face was getting pelted with it. Anyway, the gun was a piece of crap. The first time I tried to shoot it, the thing didn't go off, and I had a moment of panic. Eric looked at it, fixed it, and I shot it again. After a couple of rounds, I got a good feel for it, and shot what Eric called a "3 inch group" at 7 yards. Basically, it means that all the bullets hit the target within 3" of each other, which I guess is pretty good. I became comfortable enough that when I had issues (and there were many with that gun), I felt competent enough to fix it. I shot six rounds I think with the .22, and went on to the 9mm. Eric put one round in it (after I made him shoot it himself, lol), and handed the gun to me. I aimed, pulled the trigger... and immediately set it down. I turned to Eric and said, "I don't like it." Heh. The gun is just too powerful, and it intimidates me. I think we've decided to either get a .22 or continue renting the .22 at the range until I become more comfortable with guns.

Eric and I went on a bike ride yesterday, and joined a couple of his friends. Eric rode about 30 miles, and we did another 29 together. It was a pretty easy ride, but my butt was really hurting, so I opted out of riding today. We're going out to dinner with some of his friends tonight, which should be fun! :) Tomorrow morning, we're doing a long group ride.

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