Monday, February 2, 2009

Saturday night, I woke up at around 3:30 in the morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Around 4:30, still laying in bed, I suddenly heard a weird racket on the roof of the apartment building. It creeped me out... Jaiden heard it, and got up to investigate out the front window (his default investigation point, lol). He didn't bark or anything, and I was too tired/creeped out to get up, so I didn't do anything, but I did stay alert for a while.

So, I was on the phone last night with Eric, my sliding door to the balcony open, and suddenly, Jaiden got up and started growling, sniffing the air at the sliding door. He darted back and forth between smelling the air at the door and looking out the window to see if he could see what the smell was coming from. The hair on his back raised to an extent that I'd never seen it. Even with new people, new dogs, etc., his hair has never been raised like that before. (I swear, this dog has no end to the myriad of ways he can creep me out.) So I opened the door, and we both went out there. I was telling Eric about what was going on, and he said maybe he had smelled a raccoon or something. No sooner did Eric say that when something out of my peripheral vision caught my eye, and I looked up. There it was--a raccoon! On the roof of my apartment! The funny thing is, it didn't care about me; it kept looking over the edge of the roof at Jaiden as if Jaiden were the real threat. Jaiden had no clue that it was up there, but I wonder what his reaction would have been if he'd seen it. I'm thinking that's the sound I heard Saturday night...

Anyway, we're getting excited for our trip to Omaha!! :)

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