Monday, September 22, 2008

I said "y'all"... :(

I said it would take 12 months. Michael said six. Actually, originally, he said four, and he was closer with his first guess. It took four and a half months!

Michael was leaving for a business trip, so I was (still am) staying over for the week to watch the house/dogs. I had brought Jaiden over to his house yesterday, and while he was packing, all three dogs were getting on my nerves. So, I said, "Y'all need to..." and paused. Then, "Oh crap, I said it!" It's funny, because even as I was saying the word (I refuse to even type it anymore than I have to), I was fighting it, but it just slipped out anyway.

I still can't believe I said it.


debtfreejourney said...

Well, that was bound to happen...I'm trying to imagine you talking like a Texan...:-)

Lauren said...

Is this a lesson that its only a matter of time before I purchase some merrell sandals and wear them proudly with wool socks out in CO? :)

E(vil) said...

You have to have them before they'll let you cross the state line. :)