Monday, October 24, 2011

Poor Car :(

My new Fusion had an accident a couple weeks ago. I haven't been that angry in a long time.

I was skipping my last class of the day so I could go home and study for an exam I had that night. As I was leaving the parking lot, I began passing a kid in a Pathfinder who was turning away from me. His rear end was pointed in my direction. I stopped, waiting for another kid to cross the street, and realized too late that the Pathfinder was coming right at me, backing into me. I panicked, yelled at him (like that's going to do any good--but it was all panic-driven), and he slammed into the front driver's side of my poor car. I just sat there in stunned, angry silence. The kid in the car came up to me and said, "Did you not see me backing up?" I took that as an accusation, and responded with "EXCUSE ME?!" I think I scared him a little. He immediately responded with, "Oh no, I know it was my fault..." So, I called the police just to cover my ass and got a report. The bumper would have to be replaced and I also noticed the wheel was scratched. After I began driving home, I realized the alignment was all screwed up too... which, knowing my luck, means the car will forever have alignment issues. Ironically, he was backing up to take the parking spot of the kid whom I was waiting on to cross the street. Also ironically, I ended up getting home at the same time as I would have if I had not skipped that class. How I love irony.

So, I went home, studied for the test and felt prepared. Actually taking the test, though... that was another story. There were some things I knew right off the top, some things I wasn't quite sure on... so I knew I didn't get an A. I figured maybe a C, which was enough to break my heart. But what I was NOT expecting was an F. Which is exactly what I got. I don't think I've ever been that upset over a grade. I fought back tears the entire class after getting the exam back. If it had been ethics class, sure, that's one thing. But this is my introduction to environmental engineering. I feel like I should be getting A's in this class (and I was until that exam). I still haven't had the heart to look at it. He went over the exam during class, so I know what I missed... and it hurts just to look at the front page of the damn thing. But at least we have two more exams and several more homework assignments, so I still have a chance to pull up my grade back into "A" territory (currently sitting at a B).

Speaking of ethics class... Today we were talking about gender stereotypes, and what characteristics we typically tie to males/females. The professor asked us, "So how do we view a woman who is aggressive, loud, doesn't take no for an answer, etc.?" Without even thinking, I answered, "She's a bitch." The class sat there for about 2 seconds and then everybody busted up, and we got into a conversation of how we call women bitches when they're aggressive, etc., and we call men bitches if they're being too sensitive or whatever. It was actually pretty hilarious conversation. I think the shock factor of someone swearing in class is what got them laughing. I keep forgetting that I'm going to school with kids who are mostly fresh out of high school. (I later explained that I don't think she's a bitch, just that this is how she's viewed. ;) )

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Ugh. I woke up with a sore throat this morning, and it's evolved into a dry/sore throat, headache, and now my head is all foggy. Probably got it from the stupid, snot-nosed brats at school!

We've been watching our friends' dog Reilly (the friends that just got married, and are now on their honeymoon), and he's such a good dog. His manners are about as good as Jaiden's, but he gets up on the furniture and pulls against the leash on walks. Otherwise, he's been great, and he and Jaiden get along really well. Reilly has really latched onto Eric, though... it's funny. We figure that since Jaiden has me as his person, Reilly decided he would latch onto the only available human. ;) This morning, Eric left for work and Reilly whined for a few minutes, jumped into the bed with me, jumped off, ran to the front door, jumped back into bed, jumped off, walked around for a bit, and finally settled back onto "his" bed. Crazy dog.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


99% on my physics exam! I'm ecstatic!

So, I should be dragged away from public view anytime I've had too much to drink. I made a total jackass out of myself last night on the dance floor at a wedding we went to. Ah well, it was fun.