Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm DONE with calculus!

FINALLY! I managed to get B's in both the Calc I and Calc II classes. Of course, I was hoping for A's, but this was my first try at calculus, they were accelerated courses, and the professor was tough, so I'm content with my grades.

I did actually get a video of the spitting puffer the last time I went to the aquarium, but Eric is sleeping and I don't want to rummage through the house to try to find the camera... In the same exhibit that the puffer is kept is a huge spiny lobster. I didn't even realize he was there until the biologist mentioned him--the lobster has a hiding spot so I never saw him. Lately, I've been target-feeding him with a chunk of herring on a pole, and the guy is voracious! It's so fun to target feed. I also target feed the moray eels, which I've always thought looked a bit creepy. Plus, they're venomous and they have creepy teeth. And creepy eyes.

Another exhibit I was cleaning the other day has four smaller spiny lobsters (and by smaller, I mean about a foot long). One of them found its way into the "backside" part of the exhibit by crawling over the wall. A grouper also lives back there, having jumped over the wall. There's a net that normally rests above the tank (to keep exactly that kind of escaping from happening), but it was tied up and out of the way when I got there. There's also a board that rests above that backside of the exhibit and I was sitting on it, cleaning the viewing part of the tank. I had noticed that the escapee lobster was down toward the bottom, but another lobster was near the top on the other side, threatening me with his beady little eyes, so I kept an eye on him while he attempted to attack the brush I was using. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, look down, and see the escapee all the way up at the top, about a foot away from me. Creepy lobster.

I finished, and decided it would probably be a good idea to put the net back to where it normally was. Not 10 seconds later, one of the lobsters had grabbed the net with its claws, pulling the net into the water. It wasn't just a coincidence, either. The lobster was pulling that net into the water like a man reeling in a fish. I frantically grabbed the net from him (gotta be a boy) and hung it back up. I swear, the things these fish are capable of...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Okay, okay

I never update this thing because I never really think people are reading it lol.

I have one week and one day left in my calculus II class. What really sucks about this accelerated course stuff is that I understand the concepts (mostly), but when it comes time to take a test, I've been cramming so much that my mind just BLANKS. The last test we took was going really well, but it was taking me a while to finish. By the time the class ended, only two people had finished, and he just collected them. When the vast majority of a class doesn't finish a test, doesn't that say that #1 something went wrong in the teaching or #2 the test was just too long? He doesn't see it that way. He thinks he teaches his classes the same way every time, so therefore every class "should" be treated equally.

I know, I know... I wouldn't be bitching if I had been one of the two that finished early. Anyway, so I had to leave one of the questions completely blank, and I wrote "no time" on it... to which he responded, "need to get faster." Bastard.

Welp, my little puffers are still alive and kicking (swimming?), and my snails are breeding like rabbits. The smaller of the two puffers is much more bold. He'll at least swim up to something in the water (like the brush I use to clean their tanks), while the bigger one swims up and down the side of the glass, looking for his escape. At the aquarium, I've changed exhibits all over again, and one of the exhibits I'm working on has a spitting puffer. No, that isn't an actual breed... this particular puffer was trained to spit water at people whenever he wanted food. It's so cute. I've been trying to get a video of it, but he only did it the one time I didn't have a camera.

I can't wait until calculus is over with. After calculus, I have a month long break from school which includes a weekend in Omaha, traveling to Georgia/South Carolina to scope out possible future places to live, and then our HONEYMOON!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010