Friday, June 4, 2010

Calculus and work

That's all I seem to be doing these days. I've been studying so much calculus that it's been entering my dreams on a regular basis. I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped, and a lot of that is because I've been getting anxiety before and during my tests. I've been putting so much pressure on myself that my mind completely blanks when I take these damn tests. I'm still passing, but I'm not happy with my grades.

Anyway, I got two new puffers! These guys are fat and healthy, but not nearly as social as the last two. :( They dart around whenever I clean the tank, and in general are much more shy. Oh well. Hopefully they'll come around. A month or so ago I set up a 5-gallon tank solely for breeding snails (to feed the puffers). I never realized how slowly these things grow. I put around 20 snails (around 1/4" each) in the tank, and within days, I could see little packets of eggs on the glass of the tank. I have tons and tons of little baby snails in there, but they're growing sooooo slowly! At this rate, I'll never be able to make use of these snails.

I also have a new dressage board!