Monday, June 30, 2008

Career dreaming...

So at work, every Friday we send out reports to our clients to let them know how their accounts are performing. I had been having a bad afternoon, because I apparently put the wrong telephone number in an ad for one of my new clients (oops). I'm usually very careful about that, but I'm human and sometimes dyslexic. ;) They ended up spending $26 on that ad, and made a big deal out of it. Anyway, so I have like 7 accounts, and I only actually enjoy working on three of them. Of those three, I had sent a report out, and he responded 20 minutes later with this:

April - Your reports are giving me confidence that I have never had at {my company's name}, and for the first time (no offense intended), I feel as though my money is, without question, being spent wisely. Your clear explanations and insight, as well as the points you bring up and the ideas you have, make me feel as though my account is being paid attention to like never before. Thanks for that. I now look forward to the stats and the reports, and am even more inspired to work at my end to create more compelling site design and content in an effort to continue to turn more clicks into conversions.

As much as I dislike my job/the company I work for, this made up for my bad day (though I do kind of have to take his compliments with a grain of salt, as he's apparently high all the time--he sells herbs and such). I logged the e-mail into our CRM program, and everybody seems to be making a big deal out of it. The company gave me two $5 gift cards to HEB (local grocery store). Not much, but it's a nice gesture. My team lead's boss also sent me a "thank you" e-mail. My team lead, however, doesn't seem to be altogether happy aboutit. (This used to be his account.) He keeps making remarks that sound nice on the surface, but have a jealous undertone. Oh well. He's a big baby.

So, Cory (distant cousin or something) and I finally got in touch. I think we're going out to lunch on Wednesday. Hopefully we can hang out some... I need to find some more friends.

Speaking of friends, I hung out with a girl from work named Meghan on Friday night. She's pretty awesome. We're SO much alike, it's weird. We have the exact same thoughts about our team lead--like the fact that he's a drama queen and thinks every little thing that goes wrong = end of the world. We crack each other up during work... makes it a little more bearable to go in every morning. Anyway, we went to a bar called Sherlocks and hung out with two of her friends. One is her roommate/ex-boyfriend (weird, but not awkward between them). We were talking earlier about job dissatisfaction and what we really want to do with our lives. I would actually absolutely love to own a tack shop. I've been thinking about getting a part-time job at a tack shop, but... I dunno. There really aren't that many shops around here that I can find. I've done a pretty extensive search online, and I can't find much, but I'm sure they're out there. It's probably every horse person's dream to own a tack shop, so I probably just need to look harder. Maybe I could open a dressage-specific tack shop... </dream>

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hill repeats!

I was reading the local news website, and they were saying we've set a record this year for the most consecutive days of 100+ degree weather. (So, I would be dealing with either record-setting temps here in Austin or record-setting wind up in Omaha.) With that being said...

Thursday, I did the hill ride with Michael--there's a weekly hill ride on Thursdays as well as the flatter/faster ride on Tuesdays. I'm really out of shape. :( I got completely dropped on the first hill, and never did catch up. It was pretty discouraging, actually. I know I'm not going to be as fast as everybody else, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it! I haven't done these hills in months. We also did Bluegrass, which isn't the hardest hill in Austin, but it's the hardest hill on the ride. I hadn't done Bluegrass since my first visit to Austin in December. I think it was a lot harder this time around. Michael went ahead of me, as he knows I'm likely to snap at him if he rides behind me or tries to stick with me (sorry Mikey :) ). But one of the other guys insisted he stay behind me, even though I was going 3.4 MPH. I didn't want to say anything, though--I'm pretty sure he was just being nice. He finally went ahead about 3/4 of the way up. I wasn't sure I was going to make it, but I was also sure there was no way in hell I was going to stop and walk up. I did make it (of course), and drank half a water bottle. I had worn my heart rate monitor, and looked down when I was at the top--it read 191, and I was resting. I'm wondering what it was during the actual climb. I'm guessing 192-193... I think 191 is already pretty close to my max. I think I can set it to where it'll read your maximum heart rate during an exercise, but haven't figured that out yet. Michael and I cut the ride a little short since he'd left his commuter bag in a friend's car and didn't want to keep him waiting.

Saturday, we hit the hills again... along with Bluegrass. Michael said something about "Bluegrass repeats" and I kinda rolled my eyes at him, thinking there was no way I was going to do repeats on that hill. The only hill I actually sort of like doing repeats on is the one by his house that I would ride over to when I was staying with him. So, he rode over to my apartment and we set out to do a hill ride. There's one hill that always kicks my ass, and makes me hate the world as I'm going up. It curves over, which is a pain in the ass, and I slow down so much that it forces me to get out of the saddle at the top, which I wouldn't mind, but my legs are already burning by that point, and getting out of the saddle because I have to just plain sucks. Plus, the cars were everywhere! I'd done this hill a few times, and I've never seen that much traffic. It was car after car after car coming up and down the hill. I hate traffic when I'm climbing hills, because not only do I have to concentrate on just keeping my legs moving, but I also have to worry about irate drivers getting too close (doesn't really happen very often, but it's always in the back of my mind). So we got that over with, and continued on, getting to Bluegrass relatively soon after.

There's a slight incline just getting to Bluegrass, so by the time you're at the street, you've already been climbing a bit. There is a bike lane, but parts of it are really rough, making it harder to climb, so it's best to just stay in the car lane. Thankfully, there isn't much traffic at all on Bluegrass, so it isn't a big concern. Michael went ahead of me again, and was coming back down to do a repeat as I was reaching the top, huffing and puffing for all I was worth. My throat was on fire from breathing so hard. I waited for him, drinking water, and contemplated going back down to do a repeat, just to say that I did it/could do it. I was still kind of dizzy, though, as usual after a hard effort, so I waited. I almost turned my bike around, and I saw Michael cresting the hill. We spoke for a bit, and I decided I wanted to try again. So we rode back down to the start of Bluegrass, and Michael started saying that technically the climbing starts a little further down, but I cut him off before he could finish that thought. ;)

We began climbing, and just as Michael said, the second time up was actually easier than the first. I haven't researched this or anything, but I think the reason for that is, once your heartrate gets up to a certain point, you have to work just a little bit harder to reach that point again. I have no idea, though. That's not to say it was easy going up... just slightly easier.

We finished the ride, going the short way again, as my climbing legs are still new. ;)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

And now I wait...

I got a call from the recruiter saying he didn't have good news or bad news, but he did have news and to call him. Uh, ok. He sent me an e-mail that said they're basically going to hold off for now on hiring, for two reasons. #1, they're heading into the busy season and want to wait to hire me so they can train me properly. #2, they're interviewing two other candidates and they want to wait for those to be finished (uh, thanks for making me feel like sloppy seconds or something). My recruiter said he's fairly confident they'll hire me. I just hate waiting around.

My team lead sent me an IM today... here's the convo:

{team lead}:
question that I need an honest answer about
are you still looking to leave soon?

it's up in the air... probably not... {boss's name} made me feel a lot better about everything

{team lead}:
that was gay

April :

{team lead}:
just need to know in assigning task for the team


{team lead}:
we may be changing some things around slightly next week and I need to know who has more "longer term" goals

What a moron. I can't believe he really felt that he could ask for an honest answer after he was the one who likely put my job on the line after I had already given him an honest answer. So screw him. Yes, I'm still leaving, and no, I sure as hell won't tell him that. I learned my lesson already.

Jaiden scared the HELL out of me last night. He must have heard something outside, and went to investigate by looking out the front window. This was like 2:00 in the morning, and I was sound asleep. I woke up to hear him barking his idiot head off, and he scared the crap out of me. He has a certain kind of bark when someone he doesn't recognize comes into "his home"--it's more like howling, actually. And he was doing that last night. I seriously thought someone was in the apartment--he was going crazy. So I got up and saw him looking out the window... who knows what he saw. I didn't look. I know the front window is fascinating and all, but geez. Let me sleep, dammit.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Had a good ride today...

Went for a ride after my presentation (more on that in a bit). I rode from my apartment to the start of the ride, about two miles away, and went for about 18 miles or so. In total, I think I probably ended up with 22-24 miles. It was a really good ride, but windy as usual on the way back. At one point, we were heading out going about 17.5 and I felt absolutely no wind--it was totally still. So I knew I was in for it on the way back. I think my average speed into the wind must have been around 13--going out with was probably 25-28. ;) My back is freaking killing me though. I think it was from all the riding/walking that we did on Saturday. It started in my lower back, and after tonight, it's now moved into my middle back as well. I feel like I've been walking around like I've got something stuck up my butt, haha.

I've gotten used to the loud air conditioner, and actually find it kind of comforting in a weird way when it turns on. Eh, I don't know. I'm just weird.

So I finally figured out what the glass rattling thing was coming from in the kitchen. It was a couple of dishes I had sitting on top of each other on the fridge. Whew... no mice. :) I had my first experience with apartment maintenance. My dishwasher dispenser door thing won't shut, so the dishwasher is pretty much useless. So I called maintenance yesterday, didn't hear from them, get home today to find a note from maintenance. #1 I had no idea they were coming (I would assume they would call first, but I don't know what's standard), #2 they had the wrong name, and #3 they had the wrong phone number. Even though I left both in my message. Sigh.

So I'm taking this as my sign that I'm officially an Austinite... I was reading the dressage forum that I frequent, and came upon a thread where they were talking about places to live, etc. They had been talking about Salt Lake City, and someone else said, "UT is beautiful!!" I automatically assumed she was talking about University of Texas even though it was pretty obvious she was talking about Utah. Silly me.

So, onto the presentation. The presentation itself wasn't bad, but I was supposed to make it 30 minutes, and it ended up being 15 minutes. The thing is, the recruiter said they'll cut you off if you go too long, and that's why the last guy didn't get the job. UGH, I spent 4-5 hours preparing for this thing, and felt like it was a total shot in the dark, but still felt confident going in. When I realized how short it was going to be, there wasn't really anything I could do--I'm not much of a babbler. So I don't have my hopes up. I'll be happy if I get the job, but I'm thinking it's a long shot. Oh well--if I don't get it, that just means there's something better waiting for me. :) However, that's the last time I spend that much time for interviews. All in all, I think I wasted 8-10 hours of my time. Yick!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Last chance to impress!

So I have like 502 mosquito bites. Actually, it's probably closer to 12. I'm itching like crazy. We didn't go to Barton Springs because there was a pretty long line when we got there. We went to his parents' house instead, and I spent all of 5 minutes in the pool. His parents bought us food again, and I feel guilty--that isn't why we went over there! It was fun, as usual, and I actually kept the drinking to a minimum. ;) Michael's family is big on wine, and once I start drinking wine, I can't stop (I mean, come on... you can't let the wine get warm!).

I'm stressing out about my interview tomorrow. It's the third/final step in the interview process, and I have to give a 30-minute Power Point presentation. I'm trying not to get too worked up about it and finding it really hard. It's a big raise, though, and worth it (if I actually get the job)... so I'm trying to keep that in mind. I had to ask to leave an hour early tomorrow, and instead of telling the truth like I did last time, I just lied and said I was going on a bike ride, lol. My coworker and I were venting... each of us had a meeting with our team lead long ago, and he wanted both of us to be upfront and honest with him. I had told him right then and there that I was keeping my options open, and when I told him I had an interview, he threw a hissy fit. What the hell? The guy is a total drama queen. We both regret telling him anything. Oh well--live and learn. I don't regret taking this job. But I still really dislike the company.

At least tomorrow after the presentation, I'll get to unwind and go on a bike ride! (Hopefully.)

I still have to take pics of the apartment...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Austin Crits

So yesterday I went to the laundromat, and wasted probably an hour and a half there and $2. Our apartment complex has a "Clothing Care Center" (what the hell does that mean?), and it was listed as not having a laundry facility, so I automatically assumed "Clothing Care Center" meant "we don't have laundry facilities, so we're going to make this up and make it sound extra great." I was walking Jaiden this morning, trying to find my mailbox--yes, I've been here a week and still hadn't figured out where to get my mail. So I see this clothing care center next to the mailboxes, check it out, and yup--I see a washer/dryer. SWEET! After going to the laundromat, I wanted a washer/dryer, like, now. I hated the place. So now I don't have to waste money going to the laundromat and I can use my washer/dryer closet for storage, lol.

Michael and I went to see the pros racing last night. It was pretty awesome. It was a crit (criterium) race, so basically, the riders just looped around a 1km course several times for about an hour. The streets that the race is on are closed off to traffic. We stood on an inside corner where the cyclists were coming around, and I got right up as close as I could--probably 2-3 feet away from the cyclists as they were coming around the corner doing maybe 30MPH. That was really cool. There were a TON of people watching, too. There wasn't a single empty spot all along the entire course. The ride down was nice and hot. It got a little nerve-racking for me once we got into the downtown streets. The good thing about Austin, though, is that people are pretty much used to having bikes on the streets, and there was enough traffic (and traffic lights) that Michael and I were able to keep up with the cars for the most part and not slow anybody down.

It was also my first night ride! I had to get a new light because my old one wouldn't fit on my neato ergonomic handlebars. The light didn't do much for helping me see, though, and with my vision--and the fact that it was dark out--there were a few times I got a little freaked out because I couldn't see what was in front of me. The whole ride back, I was pretty much flying by the seat of my pants because I couldn't see an object in the road until I was right on top of it. It was fun, though, and it was a really nice night to ride. I felt like I did really well, but for some reason I was totally 100% exhausted, like I had ridden 50 miles instead of 26, or whatever it ended up being. My damn computer stopped working again... I hate that thing. It's never worked the way I want it to, and it's hard to adjust it. Every time I need to make a change to it, I have to reset it, which puts the odometer right back to zero. Annoying.

So, today Michael and I are going to Barton Springs. I have a feeling it'll be too cold for my taste and we'll just end up coming back to my place and swimming in the pool here. ;)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Jobs yech

So Friday night I decided it would be an excellent idea to post a blog after drinking. Here's me high on wine (wow):

Oy, so what's gone on this week... I'm typing on Michael's new computer, and I've had a bit of wine, so I'm having a HELL OF A TIME typing right now. I can be drunker than crap and still be able to type like there's no tomorrow on my own computer. I had my interview yesterday and it went very well. My "boss" (laugh)/"team lead" wanted me to call in afterwards and let him know if I would be able to come in. Eh. Seriously, I don't even know right now what to write in response to that kind of request. WHAT?!? I didn't call. And I don't feel bad.

Anyway, the interview went well and they want to proceed with the 3rd part of the interview. Which is fine, BUT JESUS JUST GIMME A JOB. Do ya like me or no? If not, then decline. I'm really not liking this long process, but at the same time I like that they're being so picky. Erm, I'm a girl so I'm allowed to have my discretions. Or something.

I was supposed to meet with my boss's boss this morning, but that never happened. SURPRISE. I guess he read my survey and realized I'm not very happy, lol. I finally realized this morning that my unhappiness stems almost 100% from the way my team lead manages his team. Oh Crappa, I wonder how my friend's interview went this afternoon... lemme text her real quick. Shat, I think I left my phone in the car. Oh well. I just watched V for Vendetta and have this insatiable urge to think in a British accent.

ANYWAY. Tomorrow, Michael and I are planning on riding downtown to watch the pros race in a bike race. I'm actually really looking forward to it, but Michael must realize that my bike light was rather cheap and not exactly worth risking my life over, so he'll have to make sure I'm always behind him. Er, wait, I guess I'll just have to suck it up and yell if I can't keep up. But dammit all I hate doing that. And then Sunday we're going to Barton Springs, this pool thingy that's stuck at 65 degrees. Which would be nice and warm in the winter but ass cold in the summer. Oh joy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Odd things

So, I have an interview on Thursday. It's from 2-4, so I obviously had to ask for the time off. My boss asked me what I needed the time off for (like it's any of his business anyway), so I told him I have an interview. He did a mini freak out, as the other girl on my team also has an interview this week. When I first asked him (or rather, told him) that I needed the time off, he said, "Are you serious?" Now come on. What kind of work environment is this? We can't take any time off without being given crap for it?! All the more reason to leave. He also asked me if he'll be "getting a 2 weeks notice or an F U" and I told him we'll have to see what other kind of BS his boss pulls out of his pocket (as most of the BS we get comes from his flaming boss).

On Tuesday, one of the higher-ups approached me and asked what my thoughts were on bringing web development to the company. I told her I would be happier doing that, but I would also need to be compensated for it. It sounds like it definitely will happen, and I would be much happier doing web developing, but I doubt I would still want to work for this company. Every day I come in, it just gets worse. There's always something.

So I went for a group bike ride last night, and on the way back, I got a flat. My first flat! Thankfully Michael was there to save the day. :) I had turned a corner, and my bike suddenly started riding kinda rough. I thought it might be the road, but it still didn't seem right. Then it started wobbling, and I got kinda freaked out and stopped. I yelled to Michael ahead of me that "something's wrong with my bike." He was skeptical, but I refused to get on it, saying it was wobbly. I seriously thought my bike was falling apart. After looking closer, he noticed I had a flat, lol. He taught me how to change a flat, but I'm not sure I would have been able to do it alone. There were a ton of people that got flats on last night's ride. One guy got two flats... the second one was at the same place I had mine, and also from a staple. After the ride, some of the other riders and I went for a bite to eat.

I'm loving my apartment! I'm not loving the fact that I don't have a washer/dryer. I may have to go do some washer/dryer shopping... So, I still haven't heard any of my neighbors, which is fabulous. It's really clean, I love my bedroom, I love my kitchen, though it is kinda tiny. One weird thing, though... I keep hearing some of my dishes rattle, I think. It sounds like my Pyrex bowls lightly banging against each other or something. It seems to happen after the air shuts off, so maybe that's it. I'm trying not to think of what else would make them rattle (:shudder:). I'll have pictures up soon!!

I'd forgotten what it's like to spend nights alone. Since I've never lived alone, I never had this problem before, unless whomever I was living with went out of town or weren't staying the night for whatever reason. So, whenever I'm alone at night, my mind starts running rampant, and I begin hearing noises coming from other rooms. I have a vivid imagination at night... :) I'm having some really crazy dreams, too.

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Night

I was so exhausted I didn't wake up once the whole night. Not even my loud air conditioner or ice maker woke me up. ;) I feel better about everything, too. I think just spending my first night alone made me a little sad, but I'm okay now. I'm still trying to recover from my soreness. I was hoping to do the group ride tomorrow, but it looks like I'll be stuck at work. Arrrgh... I'm not the only one this is affecting, either. A girl I work with has friends coming into town, and she's basically screwed--she was pretty much told that this is mandatory. WTF? Our team had a lunch meeting on Thursday, and I voiced my opinions (again) to my boss/team lead. This company expects A LOT out of its employees, but doesn't feel the need to give any incentives, which bugs the crap out of me. My boss asked what kind of incentive did my previous employer (a fabulous company, for the most part) give, and I said they compensated very well, gave bonuses, etc. He asked what other kind of incentive other than money was I looking for (in other words, he can't do that for me/us), and I told him "money is a big incentive". The rest of the people on my team agreed with me. So, whatever. I'm just going to trudge along until I find something better, and hope that I don't get so fed up that I just walk out. At this point, I've just been taking it one day at a time, saying, "Well, maybe I'll get an offer tomorrow and I won't have to come in again." That's been helping me more than anything I think.

Right as I got into work this morning, I realized I still have my crappy sandals on, which totally contrast with the rest of my outfit. I put these sandals to let Jaiden out because I didn't want to wear my heels going down the stairs and have him freak out and pull me up or down the stairs. But I forgot to change them before I left for work. Sigh...

On the plus side, I did get a bite on my web design services. I have a website that I put up and I've been using Google AdWords to get some traffic to it. It hasn't had very many clicks (I've only spent a total of $3.93), but I haven't been able to work on it much since I got the website up. The only good thing about my job is that I've learned a lot about pay-per-click, so I've learned all these different tricks and tools to use with my AdWords account. Someone in Austin just contacted me about some work he needed, so we'll see if anything comes of that. If I can get a lead at less than $4, I'll be a pretty happy camper. ;)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm all moved in!

Michael and I moved me in last night, and I'm pretty sore. My feet are KILLING me. My apartment is a mess of boxes and newspaper and just a bunch of crap all over the place, but I'm here. I still have some unpacking to do, but I've gotten a lot done. I'm not sure how Jaiden feels about this whole deal. He's been whining, but I think it's partly out of confusion. He probably misses his girlfriend, too. ;) He'll be able to go over there a lot, though. I took him outside, and when we walked up the stairs, I tripped (leave it to me), so Jaiden had to wait while I put my shoe back on. The stairs are see-through, and I think the poor guy had a mini panic attack waiting for me. As I started walking back up, I noticed he was completely frozen and had a weird look on his face, and he was panting all funny like. He got up some courage and leaped up the rest of the stairs. Poor puppy.

I'm having a bit of deja vu from when I moved down here. I mean, I'm excited to have my own place, but it just reminds me again that I have zero friends and family down here. And it's Father's Day--I should be with family, dangit! I'm starting to warm up to a couple of people from work, but I don't have any close girlfriends like I did in Omaha. Plus, if I get a new job (which, by the way, I have an interview this week), I'll have to start all over again. And it takes a long time for me to build a close relationship with someone.

I have to get used to these new sounds, too. The ice maker scares the crap out of me whenever it drops the ice into the bucket. And the air conditioner scares me when it comes on if I'm in the shower, because I think the unit is above the bathroom or something. I think I'm going to have to get a television just for some background noise...

I noticed a couple of guys earlier when I took Jaiden outside. When I walked back inside, I saw one of them up in the tree next to my apartment. That's a little creepy. I think they were just goofing around, but it's still a little weird.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Work Woes

I went out to see Sex & the City with some of the girls from work last night. I thought the movie was really good, but they could have cut it off about 2/3 of the way in and created a sequel. It really dragged on. Anyway, I found out I'm most definitely not the only disgruntled employee, nor was I the only one who had false hopes about the amount of the bonus. Real nice. I told my boss I haven't even been giving 100% because I don't feel the company has been giving me any kind of incentive to do my best--nor do they deserve my best. He understands, but there isn't anything he can do. His own boss doesn't even like him.

So, I was asked to fill out a survey for work so they can determine how happy their employees are here. Really, I'm surprised they even make the effort. However, we have to put our names on them. What good does that do? I've been so uncaring about this job, though, that I was pretty truthful on the survey. It asked what my biggest accomplishments were. I found that question to be offensive. I stated something like, "This position is relatively easy and straightforward, so I don't really consider what I've been doing on a day-to-day basis 'accomplishments'." Then it asked me to state my understanding of my duties/responsibilities. I seriously had to sit there and think about it. Is that bad? The whole rest of the servey had me pretty stumped. It was really pretty ridiculous.

Michael and I are going out with my apartment locator Steve and his girlfriend (Steve is a good friend of Michael's). We're going to see the midnight showing of The Incredible Hulk on Thursday. It should be fun--Steve is a riot. Saturday, I think I'm going out to lunch with Corey (my second cousin) that lives here in Austin. And then Sunday I'm moving! It's going to be a busy weekend.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Omaha trip

I went to Omaha over the weekend, and had a lot of fun. I wish I'd had more time to stay, but oh well. We went up to Grand Island on Saturday to look through my grandparents' house and see what we all wanted. We were given stickers to put our names on the stuff we wanted, and then we would each pick out our #1 item in case there was more than one person that wanted it. It's hard to explain, but anyway. I hadn't planned on taking anything more than I could fit in my carry-on, but I walked into a spare bedroom and saw a blue rocker/recliner. It hadn't been claimed yet, so I sat in it, and immediately decided I had to have it. I could see myself sitting on it, watching TV or playing around on my laptop or even sleeping in it--it's so comfortable.

So after realizing I would have furniture to take back with me, I figured I could pick out a few other large things if I wanted. I picked out a solid desk thingy with a matching mirror and a jewelry chest/cabinet. I also got a porcelain tea set, a miniature crock pot (which I've been wanting), a DVD/VCR player and some other stuff. I'm planning on renting an SUV or utility van or something the next time I go up there and picking everything up.

So, I signed my lease yesterday! Yay! I'm not looking forward to moving (again), but at least nearly all my stuff is still packed up and ready to go, so it shouldn't take too long. I'll be picking up my keys this Saturday. :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hot ride

We had a high yesterday of 101, and I went for a group ride. Yes, I am a little crazy. It really isn't as bad down here as it is in Omaha, though. Geez, the humidity in Omaha would make everything come to a stand still at 101 degrees. We had sustained winds of around 15MPH, gusting to 25 or so. The ride was great except for the part when my calves started cramping up. Grrrr. I was pretty pissed about it, because my heart and lungs were fine, but my calves were crapping out on me. I would have been okay with it if I had been riding for two or three hours, but cramping at 45 minutes into the ride, I felt like it was just showing weakness on my part. Which I don't like. ;)

So, another day at work and I'm ready to just walk out of this place. We've been told that the "bonus structure is changing". I mean really, that's all they need to say for us to realize it will have a negative impact. The job is very easy, but I know I'm worth more and I know I'm capable of more, so I'm just not thrilled with it. The bonuses (or lack thereof) won't have much of an impact at this point, but it's just the principle. I was hired under the pretense that the bonus would make up for the "highest salary we can offer", and it just keeps getting worse and worse!! This company is a joke.

Other than my crapass job (can you tell I'm angry?), everything else is going great. The dogs are getting along pretty well. Jaiden and Molly seem to just love each other. They're so much fun to watch when they're playing--I think he's finally met his match, lol. She's smart and quick, and knows exactly how to rile him up. He's barreled into her a couple of times, but once she gets sick of him, she normally just lays down in the grass, which bores Jaiden. He seems to be getting used to the cats, too. He'll only go after them if they run. Otherwise, he seems to be more curious than anything else.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I found an apartment...

Yay! It's not as nice as the ones I was originally interested in, but I wasn't too keen on spending an arm and a leg on an apartment after thinking about it. Maybe after a few months I'll change my mind on that thinking. ;) The one I originally went to look at was probably the nicest, but #1 it was too far out (6 miles = at least 20 min drive during lunch, no go) and #2 there were literally like 4 cupboards, and they were TINY!! I have a ton of kitchen stuff, and my kitchen at home was too small even though it had at least 4-5 times the space this apartment did, so I would have been annoyed as hell after a while.

Anyway, the one I got is about 3 miles from work, so that will be SO NICE. It'll still probably take me 10-15 minutes to get to work, but as long as I can make it home for lunch to let Jaiden out (without blowing through a bunch of gas $$$), I'll be happy. Plus, it's right on a street that has a bike lane, and it's in a pretty bike-friendly part of town. I'll post pictures once I'm settled. I move in June 15th.

Michael and I went to see Iron Man last night, and it was pretty good. They left it wide open for a sequel. We went to Village Inn afterwards for some icky food as it was basically the only thing open. I said I was kinda sad to leave (but I think we both know it's for the best). Geez, it feels like we're breaking up or something--really weird to be living with someone you're dating and then move out, but continue dating as though nothing happened. Earlier I had been complaining about not having a washer/dryer, and he said I can come over anytime and use his, and just hang out and use his wireless internet. I don't know, it was just touching for some reason. :)

I went for another solo hill ride this morning, and did really well! For whatever reason, I was trying to go as fast as possible up the hills, and I don't even know why. Even as I was pedaling my arse off, I was thinking, "Why the hell am I trying so hard?" Lol, I'm weird.